1. In a world of seemingly unlimited information, attention is the scare resource everyone is competing for.
2. Like a fire, lasting attention must be built up gradually. There are three stages.
First of all, grasp people’s immediate attention, which is governed by the body’s automatic responses and reflexes > like an extremely intriguing pop of icon, a shouting etc.
After immediate attention is the short attention: create something novel.
Short attention is sparked by the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is produced when we see something new.
Long attention: something aligns with your interest and values.
3. Capture immediate attention by using sensory cues that cause automatic reactions.
(1) Using contrast > change the online “purchase now” button from green to red will improve sales by 33%.
(2) Symbols or ideas.
4. Adapt your message to the audience’s frame of reference to hold their short attention.
“gun control” implies government intervene, which begets hatred, while “gun safety” becomes more acceptable among audience > find our how your audience think towards certain words.
Highlight the importance of your products by invoking the fear out missing out.
Limiting access to your product or selling only one product a day will make your product precious.
5. Keep attention by understanding people’s motivations and helping them achieve their goals.
The beeps of smartphone may come from a text from friend, a notification that leads to something fun > that makes us constantly check phones to capture that pleasure.
Extrinsic reward > motivate us for a brief well, but don't hold our attention.
Intrinsic reward > more effective in meeting satisfaction.
6. Use people’s trust in experts, authority, and the crowd to build reputation.
People are afraid of being socially alienated.
7. Harness your audience’s fundamental need for recognition and acceptance.
Attention is reciprocal, we pay attention to the ones who pay attention to us.